Monday, July 15, 2013

WOW. . . "I have less weeks on my mission then you have years".

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! :D I love you!

This week went pretty good. We had a lot of people in church. Im just sad that I wont be able to see the last part of their progress... Becuase all of the new people end up getting baptized in 3 weeks.... but i only have 2 left... How crazy is that!?!?!?

But yeah, we had 10 people in church. It was awesome!! And the mission president came to give a talk with his family. He is super legit. He talked about using all of the different way to invite others to come unto Christ. He is a way good sweet talker :D

This week we should be baptizing 3 people... Melania, Juan, and Dalma.

Melania has gone to church for the last month and she is doing awesome!"! She went to the church dance the other day and Im pretty sure she found a boyfriend.... a recent convert in our area. hahah But we just have to get her moved out of her house this week and she can be baptized! :D

Juan and Dalma are doing way good. Juan has gone to church for the last couple of months and hes gone to church before. The only thing that makes it so he cant get baptized is that he smoke and drinks on the weekends with his friends. He came to churhc drunk this week. But we are working with him. He knows he needs to stop and we are taking him to a couple of classes with the bishop so that he can stop for forever. Dalma is his wife and she is legit! She took her kids to a couple of activities that htey had this week and so she just needs to go to church one more week.

Im pretty sure Melania will be baptized this week. . . We need to work a bit mroe with Juan and Dalma.

Im super excited to see you all.... Its so weird how fast time flies here in Argentina.. I felt like it was yesterday that I was writing you last week but hey... now i only have 14ish days left.... Maybe ill make a countdown calender.... if my comp lets me. He doesnt like thinking about going home. hahahah :D I love him so much.

Well... I dont know what else to say this week... I hop eyou are all doing fantastic!! Keep up the reading :D

Lots of Love,

Elder Gray

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