Monday, July 9, 2012

Letter #46

Hola gente. Hoy día es feriado acá en Argentina porque es día de Independencia :D Woot Woot.

Today is Independence day for Argentina. So there is no one outside at all.... haha but cool. I still can´t believe i´ve been here for 10 months already... man the time has flown by fast.... Some big news has happened this week.

1. We´re putting in a pool!?!?!? Legit. I was hoping for a hot tub, but a pool it just like a bigger one i guess :D

2. Steve Nash is going to the Lakers..... So I have one of two options.... I can stop being a Steve Nash fan, or I can start being a Lakers fan..... hmmm......... I think i´ll start being a Lakers fan. (you´re welcome Jeff) there must needs be opposition in all things right?

But cool. Yeah, this week was kinda slow, but we did find 15 new people this week that were willing to listen to us. The only difficult part here in Unquillo is finding the people in their houses so that we can teach them. Because all the people here work in Cordoba and they dont get home until the weekend, so most of the appointments that we do have are on the weekends. And if we start teaching a mom and her kids, we wont be able to talk the dad until the weekend. So things are a little difficult here in Unquillo but its all part of the mission. What can I say, I love it!

Here are some highlights from this week.

1. My comp almost killed a dog.... hahahahahah. LLOOONG story. but to try and make it short. My comp was contacting a lady on the street, and this dog came up to me. I started petting it, and stuff, then it layed down right behind my comp. So my comp finished talking to this lady, then started to turn and walk towards me. But he didn´t notice that the dog had laid behind him and so he accidentally kicked the dog WAYYYYY hard. it was hilarious. My comp still doesn´t like to talk about it. ( I like to make fun of him ).

2. I started studying about the 12 tribes of Israel with my comp and we´ve been learning a lot! I´ll be sure to put in a lot about our studies next week.

3. I had a Mini Misionero for a day. Yeah, it was pretty cool. "Elder" Dominguez, from Arroyitos, came to help us elders out for his break from school. So instead of sitting in his house, he came and was a Missionary for a couple days. It was way fun to help him find out what missionary life is like and how he can learnt o become a good missionary and start practicing and preparing now.

4. we had 9 appointments in one day..... It was legit :D

5. The ward had a dance and they invited us to come to it. We went and brought some investigators. The investigators were dancing and singing to kareoke while me and elder Labra talked to the members and set up some appointments when they can come and help us out in the lessons. It was an awesome party thing that they did.

6. Hno. Romero made me Milanesas for my 10 month mark on saturday. They were delicious.

7. We had our Ward conference. I always love being able to vote President Monson as a prophet. The spirit touches me every time. There were a lot of good talks from the stake and really good testimonies from pioneer members here in ARgentina. One guy from our ward was one of the first bishops in Argentina.

But yeah, other than that, we had a kinda boring week. Not to much to tell. Our investigators didn´t show up to church because of some family problems so we´re going to see how we can help them out this week so that they can come to church and feel the spirit that is there.

I hope you are all safe from the fires that are happening in Utah!! Happy late 4th!!


Elder Gray

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